Under Chief Minister Vishnu Deo Sai’s leadershippesowin, Chhattisgarh has embraced a zero-tolerance approach to corruption and inefficiency, ensuring transparency in every government function. The government is committed to making all operations open, fair, and accessible to the public, without the need for intermediaries or unfair recommendations. Every action taken by the government is aligned with the principles of honesty, accountability, and public service.
free signup bonus no deposit casino Single Window System 2.0The introduction of the Single Window System 2.0 by the Chief Minister marks a significant step toward simplifying administrative processes. With this system, businesses can apply for all necessary department approvals through a single application on the portal, eliminating the need to visit multiple offices or navigate complex offline processes. This initiative not only streamlines the establishment of industries but also enhances employment opportunities for the youth, offering a transparent and efficient way to track the status of applications.
Atal Monitoring PortalTo ensure the successful implementation and monitoring of state programmes, the government launched the Atal Monitoring Portal on 25 December 2023, in honour of former Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee. This portal allows the public and government officials to access real-time updates on the progress of various programmes, ensuring that all initiatives are being executed as planned and with transparency.
JandarshanIn another key initiative, the Chief Minister introduced the Jandarshan programme, allowing citizens to directly engage with him every Thursday. This initiative gives the public an opportunity to have their concerns addressed and suggests immediate solutions to local issues. It has fostered a responsive governance model, enabling swift action on district-specific problems, while also facilitating feedback and improvement through conferences with district Collectors and Superintendents of Police.
Reforming the Excise Duty PolicyTo combat corruption, Chief Minister Sai’s government has reformed the state’s excise duty policy. The new policy eliminates the FL 10 AB license system, which previously allowed the wholesale purchase of foreign liquor to be handled by license holders. This reform transfers the responsibility to the Chhattisgarh Beverage Corporation, ensuring that the purchase process is now direct, transparent, and less susceptible to corruption.
CBI probe into PSC ScamThe government has taken decisive action against corruption in the state’s Public Service Commission (PSC). The Chief Minister has handed over the investigation of the PSC scam to the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI), ensuring that those responsible for sabotaging the futures of the youth will face legal action. To restore transparency, a commission under the leadership of former UPSC Chairman Pradeep Kumar Joshi has been established to revamp the PSC exam system, making it as transparent and reliable as the UPSC process.
E-Transit Pass for Mineral TransportTo cobat the widespread corruption in the transport of minerals, particularly the illegal collection of coal movement fees under the previous government, the state has reintroduced the e-transit pass system. This digital system ensures that all mineral transport is documented and transparent, increasing government revenue while significantly reducing the chances of corruption in the sector.
In the first match, Haryana thrashed Rajasthan 6-1. Rohit Rana (2nd minute), Sunil Maan (11th), Sahil Ruhal (17th) and Ami Khasa (60th) scored one goal each, while Navraj Singh (7th, 37th) struck a brace for Haryana.
The first match of the final round of group matches took place between Korea and Malaysia and resulted in a 3-3 draw. The splitting of points confirmed Korea's qualification to the semifinal. The draw also ensured that Pakistan would finish second in the group regardless of their result in their last group match against India.
Cashless and Paperless Land TransactionsTo further streamline processes and eliminate corruption in land transactions, the government has made property registrations cashless and paperless. Starting in July 2024, an online payment system has been introduced, along with Aadhaar card verification. This system allows citizens to buy and sell property from the comfort of their homes, ensuring that all transactions are transparent, efficient, and secure.
Through these reforms and initiatives, the Vishnu Deo Sai government is setting a strong example of governance that prioritises transparency, efficiency, and public welfare.
Geo-referencing for Land Dispute ResolutionThe government has authorised the use of geo-referencing technology to address land disputes and ensure transparent online recording of land ownership. This system will make all land records visible online, preventing unauthorised occupation and protecting the rights of landowners. With geo-referencing, land disputes will be resolved more effectively.
Department of Good Governance and ConvergenceIn an effort to enhance public welfare and good governance, Chief Minister Vishnu Deo Sai has established the Department of Good Governance and Convergence. This department is dedicated to the successful implementation of government policies, addressing public concerns, and promoting transparent governance. As part of its initiatives, the Council of Ministers has approved a draft amendment to the Chhattisgarh GovernmentWork (Allocation) Rules to include e-review, e-public service guarantees, and a digital secretariat.
Amendment to Prevent Tender FraudTo combat corruption in government procurement processes, the government has approved a draft amendment to the Chhattisgarh Government Store Purchase Rules, 2002 (as revised in 2022). The amendment mandates that all state departments purchase materials, goods, and services according to specifications listed on the GEM (Government e-Marketplace) platform, following established guidelines. Any additional procurement beyond these requirements will need approval from the Finance Department.
Ensuring Proper Payments to MitaninsTo prevent irregularities in the monthly bonuses paid to Mitaninspesowin, the government has implemented a fully online payment system. Previously, there were complaints of payments being misappropriated, with funds sometimes transferred to incorrect recipients. The cashless system now in place ensures that Mitanins receive their bonuses directly into their accounts, significantly reducing the chances of financial manipulation and ensuring the timely and correct disbursement of payments.