In the 2024 Lok Sabha electionswinph, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) under the leadership of Chief Minister Vishnu Deo Sai achieved a significant victory, securing 10 out of 11 seats in Chhattisgarh. The party’s vote share increased by approximately 10% compared to the rival Congress party, marking a major achievement for Sai’s leadership.
The BJP’s vote share in Chhattisgarh has steadily grown since the first Lok Sabha elections in 2004, when the party received 45% of the vote. By 2024, this share rose to 52.65%, reflecting a 1.21% increase from the 2019 elections. This surge is largely attributed to the hard work and governance of Vishnu Deo Sai, whose administration has earned praise not only within Chhattisgarh but also in neighbouring states. His government’s policies have been particularly well-received in rural areas and villages, where their impact is clearly visible.
In the 2024 elections, the BJP’s performance was impressive, with the party securing 10 out of 11 seats. The Congress managed to win just one seat in Korba. The BJP’s total vote share of 52.65% surpassed the Congress, which garnered 41%. Other parties, such as the Bahujan Samaj Party and the Communist Party of India, received 1.16% and 0.24% of the votes, respectively, while NOTA secured 0.90%.
According to the Election Commission, BJP’s vote percentage has increased by 1.21 per cent. In the 2024 Lok Sabha elections, BJP got 52.65 per cent votesIn comparison to the 2019 Lok Sabha elections, when the BJP won 9 seats with 51.44% of the votes, this election saw a notable improvement in voter support. The increase in the BJP’s vote share is especially evident in regions like Surguja and Bastar, where Vishnu Deo Sai’s leadership continues to gain popularity.
This result underscores the growing acceptance of Sai’s leadership and his successful governancewinph, making him a central figure in Chhattisgarh’s political landscape.